Dietitian Toolkit

Dietitian Toolkit

Sugar in Balance

As an RD, you understand better than many people how important it is to take a balanced approach to healthy lifestyles, including by getting the right nutrients, avoiding extremes and making room for joy and occasional indulgences.

Our consumer research has found that 81% of consumers say it is important to know the intake guidelines for sugar, but just 15% are able to correctly state the recommendation. And, when consumers know the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendation, they have greater confidence in managing their sugar intake.

That’s why we’re sharing some sugar basics and more detailed data in this toolkit to help you answer some of the most common questions about sugar in the diet and support conversations with your clients and key audiences. This includes downloadable infographics and social media content by practice area.


The Sugar Association supports the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) and shares the goal of moving Americans toward healthier dietary patterns.

To support this goal, the Sugar Association is committed to providing science-based educational resources to registered dietitian nutritionists to increase awareness of the DGA recommendation that added sugars account for no more than 10% of total energy intake and to increase understanding of the role sugar plays in healthy dietary patterns.

Dietitian Toolkit
Sugar 101

Real Sugar

Real sugar comes from sugar beet and sugar cane plants grown on farms.

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