the sugar association

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to claims made by consumer activist and nutritionist Dr. Marion Nestle in her latest book, the Sugar Association President and CEO Dr. Courtney Gaine issued the following statement:

“Throughout our history, the foundation of the Sugar Association has been scientific research as we seek to learn as much as possible about sugar, and its attributes and roles in diet and health. We know that sugar consumed in moderation is part of a balanced lifestyle and we remain committed to supporting research to continue to understand the role sugar plays in consumers’ evolving eating habits. While we question the motives of Dr. Nestle’s new book, we fully agree with how she closes out her narrative with a reminder to ‘Eat a wide variety of relatively unprocessed foods in reasonable amounts. The basic principles of eating healthfully have remained remarkably constant over the years.’”

“Focusing on quality science grounded in facts, regardless of funding source, should be everyone’s starting point in evaluating research. The Sugar Association is passionate about research transparency and publicly post our approach to research aiming to minimize conflicts of interest, as well as provide direct links to published research supported by the Association. We encourage anyone who wants to learn about our research, the facts about sugar, and our industry to visit”

“The Sugar Association will always advocate for and respect well-designed and well-controlled scientific research that provides insights into the roles food and beverages serve in our lives. Industry-funded research is an important piece of that process.”


The Sugar Association, founded in 1943, is the scientific voice of the U.S. sugar industry. The association is committed to making a difference by continuously supporting scientific research and sharing its knowledge that there’s more to sugar by increasing consumer understanding of and confidence in the role that sugar plays in a nutritious, balanced and enjoyable diet. The Sugar Association represents nearly 12,000 beet and cane sugar growers, as well as processors and refiners of sugar. The U.S. sugar industry generates 142,000 jobs in 22 states and contributes $20 billion to the economy annually. For more information, visit, follow us on Twitter, and connect with us on Facebook.

Chris Hogan
Vice President of Communications
T: 202.785.1122


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