
Press Releases

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FDA Denies Petition to Rename High-Fructose Corn Syrup

May 30, 2012

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today denied a Corn Refiners Association (CRA) petition to rename high-fructose corn syrup “corn sugar,” saying the action would only serve to confuse U.S. consumers and could even pose a health risk to those suffering from fructose intolerance.

Sugar Association Responds To 60 Minutes: Unfounded Accusations Mislead Consumers

April 1, 2012

We are extremely disappointed that 60 Minutes missed a teachable moment to provide a balanced segment and help inform its viewers and American consumers about the role all-natural sugar plays in healthy diets.

Flegenheimer and Goodlett Elected New Chairman and Vice Chairman For DC-Based Sugar Association

April 15, 2010

Mark Flegenheimer and David Goodlett were named as the incoming Chairman and Vice Chairman respectfully at the bi-annual board meeting of the Sugar Association.

“Sweetener Cheat Sheet” Made Available to Reduce Parents’ Confusion

March 19, 2010

Parents confused by the laundry list of sweeteners on food and beverage ingredient labels just got a helping hand from the Sugar Association, which released a “sweetener cheat sheet” this weekend at a large gathering of Washington, DC-area mothers.

Pepsi Throwback Helps Consumers Get Back to the Sweet Basic

February 10, 2010

The Sugar Association today applauded Pepsi-Cola for reintroducing Pepsi Throwback, which will be sweetened with all natural sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.

New Poll Shows Parents Confused Over Artificial Sweeteners

February 2, 2010

More than half (52 percent) of the parents in the United States try to avoid artificial sweeteners, yet few can actually identify common chemical sweeteners used by food manufacturers, found a new Harris Interactive poll released today.

Press Releases

Sugar Basics

Find out what it is; where it comes from; and more about this simple, functional ingredient.

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Sugar 101

A Crash Course on the Many Types of Sugar

All sugar is made by first extracting sugar juice from sugar beet or sugar cane plants., and from there, many types of sugar can be produced.

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