Stay in Touch
August 2021
You've probably heard of relish made from cucumbers but what about zucchini relish?
July 2021
Consumer research conducted in spring 2021 revealed consumers rank taste and safety as the most important attributes for foods and beverages they purchase and agree that sugar “helps food taste good.”
July 2021
It doesn’t get much better than homemade salsa using the fresh produce of summer!
July 2021
Ashleigh Pearson, D.C. chocolatier, is passionate about sharing special experiences through sweet treats, chocolate to be specific!
June 2021
As a part of the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, researchers in Fargo work toward finding solutions for diseases that impact sugarbeet.
June 2021
A consistent crop, sugar beets have been a key component to maintaining and sustaining Randy Grant’s farming operation over the years.
June 2021
The sweet and sour of barbecue sauce has some deep historical roots.
May 2021
Most people don’t know why sugar is in the foods they eat or recipes they make, but sugar’s unique versatility makes it an essential functional ingredient in many of the foods we eat. This lesson plan from the Home Baking Association helps students identify the many functions of sugar in food.
May 2021
Summer brings the nostalgia of s’mores around a campfire. Here is a little food science behind this favorite summer treat.
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